I spent too much time last weekend watching guitar pedal videos. This was one of them. Also ordered few pedals. This wasn’t one of them. I will share this because it will be reminder to me of that one weird reverb pedal. Other reason to share is to show Old Blood Noise Endeavors’ promotional videos. These are just so endearing. In this they are just in a room talking and playing guitar through the pedal. This is almost like low budget indie movie. They have other style of product videos. All I have seen so far are endearing in different ways.
I am sucker for weirder reverbs. I have Digitech’s Supernatural and TC Electronics’ T2. Supernatural’s Shimmer is reason why I am always considering having it on my board. T2 has more weird programs. T2’s and Supernatural’s problem is they don’t have enough control for weird programs. Both have only mix, tone (liveliness in Supernatural) and decay. Those are not enough if you want adjust weirdness. Dark Star sound like what I have looked from Supernatural and T2. You are not limited to tone control. Tone would be nice but it sounds good without it.
I have to consider Dark Star more. I might get good enough unnerving and weird reverb from Supernatural. That is why I would get Dark Star. It would be third reverb on board and I would get it only if I make larger board which would actually have up to 15 pedals. I don’t know why I remembered wrong how many outs my power supply had. Two reverbs I will have on ten pedal pedalboard should be able to do everything except this unnerving weirdness..
I will end this with other demo video.