This is review of volume which contains The Screaming Citadel story arc. There is another volume 1 which contains only first six issues of Star Wars: Doctor Aphra (2016-2019).
Doctor Aphra was introduced in Darth Vader (2015 - 2016). She was Darth Vader’s secret weapons specialist helping Vader get his own army and trying to find Luke Skywalker. This led to events of Vader Down in which Doctor Aphra was captured by rebels. Rebel Jail story arc in Star Wars (2015 - 2019) issues 16-19 was her face turn. When she got back to Darth Vader (2015 - 2016) Vader wanted to get rid of her. At the end Vader thought he had killed her but she made it alive.
Doctor Aphra wasn’t evil at any point of Darth Vader (2015 - 2016) she was someone trying to make in Empire controlled world any way she can. Her droids were the evil ones. They were practically evil C-3PO and evil R2-D2. In Vader Down they got Wookie bounty hunter to make dark side version of Han, Chewie, C-3PO and R2-D2 team.
For her own comic Doctor Aphra has changed from ancient weapon specialist to archaeologist. Ancient weapons could be considered as archaeology but she is not into weapons as much as she was in Darth Vader (2015 -2016). Otherwise she is close to what she was before. And Triple-Zero (evil C-3PO) and BT-1 (evil R2-D2) are what they were before. Evil droids are one of best things in Star Wars and these are one of the best evil droids there are.
I told in Darth Vader (2015 -2016) review first story arc of Doctor Aphra’s comic is best the thing Disney’s Star Wars have given us. It has everything good from Darth Vader comics without what was bad and Aphra is even better than he was before. It has more humor when it is not about one of the top villains of all time.
The Screaming Citadel story arc don’t rise to same level mainly because it is with Luke, Leia, Han and others. Having others disliking Aphra but working together made sense in Rebel Jail story arc. Here they do it again in lesser story arc. After reading this I am sure I don’t want to read Star Wars (2015 - 2019). Rebel Jail was one of the kind case with correct premise and correct characters in correct story.
I got all Star Wars: Doctor Aphra (2016 - 2019) collections from May the 4th sale. So far it has been good choice. I hope rest will be as good as first story arc when she can do her thing without the package of the original trilogy cast.