Tomorrow's video will be from Lux Helsinki 2018. It will be first video where I didn't use auto ISO. I don't remember using manual ISO in previous videos. I am going more and more into everything manual. I still use auto white balance. Everything else is manual when ever it makes sense. Lux Helsinki 2018 was shot using auto focus. It is better option with zoom lens or longer focal lengths. You just need to plan where to set focus points.
Auto ISO let you have darker video without it getting lighter when you didn't shoot at lights. New Year's eve video had one shot where image got brighter when I panned. I couldn't cut that part away. Maybe I should have cut the whole shot but it is there because I liked it too much otherwise. That shouldn't happen in future. Manual ISO wasn't as hard as I expected. Auto ISO is still useful when you want to have same brightness when lighting conditions change. Sometimes you want to show lighting conditions changing.
I used different stabilization methods in all three Lighting the Darkness videos. This time it was monopod. I had lost my touch with it. I have used gimbal after I got it almost always when I would have used monopod earlier. Monopod still have some advantages on gimbal. Overall gimbal is better. You can move with and panning is more consistent if you have correct settings.
I talked about Analog Four and Analog Rytm on Monday's post. Both were used in the video as was Roland SE-02. I waited for plugin controller for it. I found one last week. I want to automate instruments I use. For some reason nobody has made Max4Live device for it or at least released one. First three boutiques got their quite quickly. You can expect to hear more SE-02 in future.