This is follow up to previous Moog post. After comparing synths and trying to get similar sounds out of them I figured what Moog is good for. The sound is hard to put into words. It is certain kind of nostalgic and somehow sad sound. Kind of old timeless sound. Couldn’t get that out of other synths. I knew it sounded different. Didn’t know what the sound was good for. Also started to appreciate all the subtle ways to change sound by your playing dynamics. Now I see why people say Subsequent 37 is one of the best monophonic synths. Subsequent 25’s problem is it doesn’t have all controls on front panel. That has to do because I have no room for Subsequent 37.
Talking about room. I found one possible solution to fit Subsequent and new eurorack case to setup. It is quite expensive and overkill but there is at least one way to do it. Looking for cheaper options before I make decision of the case. To be honest I am not sure what I should fill it with and how big it should be. I have modules for one basic voice with West Coast stylish module but not sure what else there should be. Have few things I’d like to have but not sure if I actually have use for them. For now BARP 2600, 0-Coast and Strega plus utility case are my eurorack system. To be honest I have lot to learn on those.