Started to take full advantage of digital painting. I tried to emulate traditional way until now. Courses I take show instructor using digital methods from time to time but I tried to do what I can do with pen and paper. No more. Didn’t realize how helpful lassoing and moving parts is from learning point of view. It is faster to check if something is too high or too low or too small or too big. Faster than drawing everything again and again in different place and size. Flipping image turned out to be helpful too. Should have started to use both earlier.
Bought some fonts. I didn’t have my old font collection on new computer. Didn’t want to try to find free fonts with suitable licenses when I found place with reasonable priced fonts. Had to have some. Fonts computer came with weren’t that good. Had to use them for latest video. Each of new ones would have worked better. Tested them after getting them.