Second to last discontinued pedal left my pedalboard. Last will leave later this week after I get its replacement which is latest version of same pedal. I will get those two pedals I mentioned in last post after all. Pandemic situation here is such that I don’t want to go to shopping in local stores. So I used the money to pedals. Shopping spree has to wait for better times.
Fallout Cloud is what I wanted Manx Loaghtan to be. Both are two band eq muffs. Manx Loaghtan has bit too much gain and bit too thick sound for my liking. I couldn’t get low gain fuzz sound I wanted from it. I could get that from Giygas but it was noisy on board. Not really sure what caused the noise issues. I tried different places and power cords. It was only silent when it took the place of Tone Corset.
Fallout Cloud gives me that low gain fuzz sound I wanted. Manx Loaghtan almost got there. I think it worked bit better when there wasn’t buffer in front of it. What it gave me after buffer showed me what I want but didn’t exactly give it. Fallout Cloud also works better before Revv G2. Manx Loaghtan into G2 wasn’t usable at all. Fallout Cloud into G2 is somewhat usable but maybe it would work better if G2 boosted Fallout Cloud. I like Fallout Cloud’s controls better than Manx Loaghtan. Control’s range is more usable for me.
Fallout Cloud is based on triangle Big Muff. I tried to find how that differs from other Big Muffs. Couldn’t find anything. Demo videos had much more Pink Floyd than demos of other types of Big Muffs. Maybe it works better on Pink Floyd style of music. I get doomy sounds out of it too. In those Manx Loaghtan is bit better but Fallout Cloud is good enough.
Weirdest thing is I was considering replacing G2 with something else before getting Fallout Cloud. After getting Fallout Cloud I don’t feel I need to do that. I felt Manx Loaghtan competed with Revv G3 and Revv G2 couldn’t give me all I wanted. Fallout Cloud doesn’t compete with G2 or G3 but complements them. I know which one to pick when I want certain sound. If I want bit different sound I know which pedal to choose.
I moved compressor after dirt pedals to test if it makes any sense there. Empress Compressor mk II has “mastering” effect for clean sound. It doesn’t have same effect after dirt pedals. I will keep it after dirt until I get new pedals later this week and have to change pedal order again. Unless I figure out something unexpected compressor is coming back to before dirt where it gives more sustain.