Music favorites of July 2021

We didn’t have Bandcamp Friday this month but it didn’t stop me from buying new music. I bought rest of Den Sorte Død’s discography but because it is hard to find videos for their songs and I already put one on previous list I just mention them here. You should check them. They are amazing. Also left out Mesarthim's CLG J02182–05102. It is good but could only find whole album video. Cryo Chamber is also still good. Didn’t include anything from them this time.

Cradle of Filth: Crawling King Chaos

I don’t actually like Cradle of Filth. I just pretend to because I want to wear their T-shirts. Okay. They are third on my all time most listened bands or artists list on LastFM. That is because I listened them much more few years back. This is first single/video from their upcoming album Existence is Futile. They still got it. Maybe I should start to listen them again.

A Place to Bury Strangers: Pinned

I found A Place to Bury Strangers when I binge watched guitar pedal videos. Oliver Ackermann is man behind guitar pedal company Death by Audio. A Place to Bury Strangers is quite tamed compared to Death by Audio’s promo material and pedals. That tells more about how out there Death by Audio is. A Place to Bury Strangers just released EP. This is their latest full length album from few years ago.

Snakes of Russia

I don’t pick any release from Snakes of Russia. They have only released singles and EPs so far. I got everything they have released on Bandcamp. Spitfire Audio released new Albion library Solstice. During launch stream Christian Henson mention Snakes of Russia was one inspirations behind the library. Had to check the band and ended up buying everything.


Amenra’s albums have been on my wish list for ages but when Bandcamp made spotlight post of them I got interested and finally bought their music. This is from their MASS period when they sang in English. I didn’t plan to have three black and white videos back to back. I had another video for this album but it had so much flashing lights I decided to use this one.

Ichiko Aoba: Windswept Adan

Ichiko Aoba also has Bandcamp spotlight post but I didn’t found her from that. It was one Facebook group where someone posted her music and link to that spotlight post.

KINOCO HOTEL: マリアンヌの密会

I have known Kinoco Hotel for some time now with name Kinoko Hotel. You can find their music with both names on iTunes. Someone posted this or another video of their latest album to previously mentioned Facebook group. Went to check if album was on iTunes and it was there.

Pizzicato Five: The Band of 20th Century: Nippon Columbia Years 1991-2001

Same Facebook group and same post as Kinoco Hotel. Someone mentioned in comments Kinoco Hotel reminded them of Pizzicato Five. Well… I had to check them too. Got this compilation album even though this doesn’t have my favorite song from them. Couldn’t find it from iTunes.

TsuShiMaMiRe: Mamire Mania 20

Same Facebook group. Different post. Probably close to same day. This is probably their mainstream song. I assume it to be their biggest hit since it was first song of this compilation album. Their other songs are bit more experimental and rougher.

ZZ Top: The Very Baddest of

I don’t pretend to be biggest ZZ Top fan of all time. I liked few of their biggest hits, was ok with their other songs and had one older greatest hits album. After Dusty Hill’s death I went to check their music. Got 40 song version of this compilation. It is solid compilation with many songs I haven’t heard before. I think this will give my ZZ Top fix from now on. This and Rough Boy are my favorite ZZ Top songs.