Wanted something more fun after Bobiverse trilogy wasn’t that funny after all. I didn’t know much about Ringworld before starting. Preview sounded fun and I have vague idea of Ringworld computer game being less serious. If there is no Ringworld game I am confusing something else with Ringworld. Ringworld is award winning book. This time I can see why it won. Still this has bit of a same problem as Bobiverse trilogy. Beginning is better than when actual story starts. This time turning point is when they got to Ringworld. This time beginning is better and drop is not as big. So the book stays better.
Book tell expedition to mysterious Ringworld. Group contains 200 year old human man, 20 year old human woman and member of race humans have fought several times. Group is collected and lead by member of Puppeteer race who has had experiments with other races. Man is there for his suitability to expedition. Woman is there because she is thought to be bred for good luck. Like good luck charm. Alien is warrior of the group.
Beginning works best because it has more humor than later parts and interesting ideas come in shorter frequency. When group gets to Ringworld book becomes more of adventure. Woman’s luck angle gets really stupid. At the beginning I couldn’t see why reviewer said she was badly written. At the end I knew why they didn’t like how she was written.
Ringworld has good world building but other parts are not on same level. I assume the world building was the reason why book won awards and why people like it. Decaying world and why it is decaying was told interestingly. History of all races was interesting. Characters are not that interesting and there is not tension on adventure sections.