I really liked first volume of Blade Runner 2019. It ended blade runner Ash with child she needed to disappear with. This one starts several years later Ash and child hiding off world mining colony. Something major happens which sets events of this book in motion.
Second volume is four issues long. It tells off world section of this story which is also the middle part if I have understood it correctly. This is twelve issue long story. Blade Runner 2029 should follow after twelfth issue with new story.
Blade Runner 2019 is one of the best comics out there at the moment. I might be biased because I like both Blade Runner movies. Comic captures mood of the first movie. It has enough to remind the movie but it doesn’t try to create it again. Book almost recreates two scenes from fist movie but then change things enough to justify those moments being there. Those moments are not there to recreate something from the movie but to move story forward and taking something from the movie was best way to do it.
Blade Runner 2019 Vol 2 is not perfect. Mining world introduction goes bit too much over the top. New blade runner was bit too one dimensional and there was one too convenient thing happening which could have been easily corrected by not making it so extreme. Other than that I don’t have anything to complain. Blade Runner 2019 takes concepts of Blade Runner movies further and tell new story in that world like good spin-off should.