This is more experimental video. I will probably start to make more of these to learn to use Blender. I have one other in works. These won’t be too long because rendering takes such a long time. This one took about 42 hours to render. Next one is shorter but it will take about 100 hours because I use Cycles engine for it. For this I used Eevee.
Music is done with Waldorf Pulse 2 and Arturia Pigments 2. Took some time to get Pulse 2 to work with filter type changes without noises. I originally changed filter type too close to next note. That caused noise. Next time I know not to do that. I also learned weird feature of Cubase. You have to save your settings as preset in device panel if you want to have your settings when you open the project next time. Cubase seem to load the preset you selected last instead of settings you had when you saved the project. I don’t know if there is way to change it.