I will see The Last Jedi tonight. I bought tickets two months ago and forgot the whole thing. I have stayed away from spoiler and speculations and such. I haven't watched trailers. I don't need to. I already have the tickets. I followed director's and Mark Hamill's advice. They recommended not seeing trailers before the movie. Only thing I did for preraration was watching The Force Awakens. I have no idea what to expect and I am not too hyped before seeing the movie.
I don't understand current culture where people read and watch everything before the movie. Take part in speculation before seeing the movie. Trailers can tell too much. There might not be anything surprising when you see the movie. Seeing Han and Chewie first time in The Force Awakens would have had more impact if we didn't know they were in movie. Now that we are talking about Harrison Ford. Same happened in Blade Runner 2049. There it wouldn't have come as out of the blue as in The Force Awakens but it would have been nice twist to learn they were looking for Deckard.
I am into analyzing movies. I have movie review blog. Sometimes I write longer analyses and I watched Babylon 5 with other Finnish nerds and speculated after episode and then watched episode again to see what others saw. But that was after the episodes and after seeing the movie. Now trailers get reaction videos and deep analyzes. You get spoiler reviews even before any non-reviewer has seen the movie.
We saw Babylon 5 later than others but Finnish Babylon 5 community made sure there were not any spoilers to future episodes we had not seen yet. I miss that safety. Now you can be spoiled by opening social media. Now we are in situation where actors have to do this.
I will see the movie couple days before global premier but I already have to be careful not to see any spoilers. Why people just can't let others enjoy movies spoiler free if they want to. I could understand spoiling older movies which everyone who wanted to see them have been able to see them spoiler free. But some of these big movies will be spoiled even before normal people have been able to see them.
Somebody commented why there weren't Deadpool spoilers when there were Star Wars spoilers. Deadpool wasn't made for kids and spoiling kids didn't see it. Don't be spoiling kid. Let others enjoy the movies the way they want to enjoy them. I hope I can avoid spoilers and it doesn't look like this when I walk to theater. Walking home yesterday felt lot like avoiding Star Wars spoilers.